Friday, July 25, 2008


We had an ultrasound today and learned we have a healthy baby boy!! We're thrilled!! He doesn't have a name yet, but we're working on that. We've been pryaing he would be healthy and cooperate today so we would be able to tell, and the Lord answered our prayers!! As soon as the ultra sound technician turned on the machine - she said, "It's a boy!" She told me she is 100% sure.
My original due date was December 27th. Today she said he measured to be due December 22nd - so we're expecting him sometime right around Christmas. PRAISE THE LORD!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thought I might as well join in...

Hey friends! I've been stalking your blogs daily for a long time now and with a baby on the way I thought it was finally time to join the fun and let you all in on what we're up to. It also seems like a good way to be sure I take pictures of all the fun events of our lives - we have lots of them, but we don't EVER seem to have a camera with us anymore (the picture I added to the site was from Erika's wedding almost 2 years ago!) so I hope to do better. I hope you enjoy...
(This picture was taken scalloping last year :))