We've been on vacation this weekend. It's the first time we've been somewhere besides our parents' houses since Caleb was born. He requires a LOT of stuff and planning, but it was so worth it - we had a WONDERUFL time! We really only traveled about 30 minutes from Panama City to Mexico Beach. Wes's company was having a golf tournament, but I really feel like I've been somewhere. We stayed in this cute little Victorian beach house decorated with antiques, and the weather was perfect.
I didn't mind coming back from vacation because my good friend, Ashley (Bourland) Collins, and her family are staying at a house in Destin this week, and I knew I was going to get to see her, Abby and meet Hudson. It was SO good to catch up with her! Plus, Caleb has been practicing his swimming in the bathtub for months now, and he got to show his skills for the first time today. HE LOVED IT! The pool was heated and felt like bathwater. He SMILED so big and laughed. Bourland - Thanks so much for having us!! Here we are with our boys below. Don't they look like they will get along great??