She has been the school librarian at Somerville Road Elementary for 20 years. I asked her to pose behind the computer and act like she was checking out books. This is what she did... "You better give me my book you little kid!"
She was kidding (sort of). I think this is more like it.
After the tea, mama had packed a picnic for us to go to the park. Decatur has concerts in the park on Monday nights in the summer. It was unseasonably cool that night, but it didn't matter. It is so pretty out there...
The next day these little rascals played in the water hose (that's Shelby with Sawyer) and this little guy just watched
Wes has been working A LOT this week with late nights so after our Hartselle trip Caleb and I decided we would spend a couple more days with the Williams. Ashley and I dressed our play pretties up and took their picture (I know you're surprised)